Sunday, February 16, 2020

Select one Case Study from those supplied Essay

Select one Case Study from those supplied - Essay Example Korsakoff syndrome results from damage of the memory related brain areas (Dudgale, 2010). Therefore Wernicke’s encephalopathy can be called the acute phase and Korsakoff syndrome the chronic phase. Vitamin B1 is responsible for producing energy for the brain by metabolizing glucose. An impairment of this function due to any reason such as thiamine deficiency leads to decreased oxygen supply to the brain especially the thalamus and mammillary bodies and hence causes the brain damage. Mammillary bodies are part of the hypothalamus. There are neuronal connections between the hippocampus and the mammillary bodies. Then the neuronal connections extend from the mammillary bodies to the thalamus and then to the cortex of the brain. Memories are formed in the hippocampus and then stored in the cortex through this route. This is how damage to these areas of the brain in Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome leads to memory loss particularly anterograde amnesia. This means that memories of the distant past are remembered and available, while new memories cannot be formed, thereby leading to immediate forgetting of the recent events. The patient remembers events of the past before the illness but not after he started suffering from Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome (Barry, 2006). Without treatment Wernicke’s Korsakoff syndrome keeps on getting worse and can be life threatening. Its treatment is symptomatic and thus involves controlling the symptoms. In addition thymine is also given. Alcohol consumption maybe stopped. In addition to this drugs like donepezil and rivastigmine are also prescribed. These drugs are used in Alzheimer’s disease, but have been found to work effectively in Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome patients too. Antidepressants which increase levels of serotonin in the brain have been found to be very useful too. In order to prevent Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome, a person should control his drinking problem if he is a heavy drinker. He can

Monday, February 3, 2020

How important is it that education is immediately and obviously Essay - 1

How important is it that education is immediately and obviously relevant to the interests of the pupils and to life in society - Essay Example Another education act was passed in 1944; it administered the creation of the Ministry of education, which in turn established compulsory and free secondary school education. The essay discusses how education is important and its relevance to the pupils and the society in the United Kingdom. The types of schools clearly show how education is important in the United Kingdom. Most of the most famous schools in the United Kingdom are the private boarding schools, for instance, the Winchester School. The famous private schools were founded in the middle ages and parents need to pay a lot of fees for their children to study in such schools (Arthur 2010, p. 82). Although, the schools are considered for the influential and rich families; they also offer scholarships for the gifted but poor children. Private schools that take children between the age of 7 and 13 are referred to as kindergartens. On the other hand, those that take children between the age of 11 and 19 are referred to as public schools. Research shows that only 7 per cent of the United Kingdom attends the private schools (O’Hear&Sidwell 2009, p. 34). The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is given at age 16. If the student qualifies, he or she proceeds to the Advanced level of education commonly referred to as the â€Å"A† levels. Some of the students can be advised to stay in school up to age 18 to prepare themselves for higher education. The United Kingdom has 90 universities which the students can enrol. They are divided into several categories. The common universities are the University of Cambridge and University of Oxford (Bubb 2009, p. 56). Apart from the universities, students can also enrol in advanced education. The advanced education mainly focuses on applied technology and sciences, and they are polytechnics (Wright 2010, p.78). The polytechnic focuses on people who may not have qualified to go to